WTC 178: Character Assassination WTComics Podcasts

WTC 178: Character Assassination

Why are each of these 2 iconic ocean dwelling heroes such a hard character to hard to like? A few weeks back Brett, Chris and Mo spent some time talking about their favourite character(s). Well this episode is the opposite en[…]
WTC 177: Isn’t It Bromantic WTComics Podcasts

WTC 177: Isn’t It Bromantic

Love, exciting and new. This week's We Talk Comics was recorded on Valentine's day so it made sense for Brett, Chris and Mo to talk some of the great relationships in comic book history. A comic book love story for adults. Lo[…]
WTC 176: Damned if we Don’t WTComics Podcasts

WTC 176: Damned if we Don’t

Well I'll be damned, it's a great chat with Andre Miller for you. Chris Bestie was unable to make this episode of but don't worry because your other We Talk Comics hosts Mr. Brett Podcast and Mo were able to find a more than […]
WTC 175: Character Study WTComics Podcasts

WTC 175: Character Study

A character Brett truly loves, The Golden Age Sandman. Our scheduled guest last minute couldn't make it so your intrepid We Talk Comics hosts improvised and decided to talk about a few of their favorite things. Another great […]
WTC 174: Back Talk WTComics Podcasts

WTC 174: Back Talk

We Talk Comics is back as Chris, Brett and Mo return from a holiday break. This episode is just a loose show catching up on what's been happening the last few weeks as we get a look ahead to some of the plans for WTC in 2017,[…]