NERRRRRDS! The Screw Balls franchise gets a screw loose with a film the critics accurately describe as featuring “boobies galore!”
Welcome back for more Kung Fu Electric Boogaloo. Your five hosts continue their search for the ultimate B-Movie with the next entry in the “Nerds, Jocks, and Preppies” season.
As we reach the penultimate episode of the season, we leer look at a favourite of our hosts, a movie that brings back fond VHS mammaries memories.
Brad, Steve, Hue, and Marvin are four get-nowhere boys who are forced into summer school, ending up at Cockswell Academy under the supervision of Principal Arsenault. The boys play a game where they earn points for every girl they get to 1st, 2nd, or 3rd with (or just get a glimpse of breast).
On misadventures of their own, they decide to go for the ultimate 100-point score, Mona Lott, the new French teacher. But when they’re unable to get a shot at her, they end up in the unforgiving clutches of the principal. After all is lost, they take one final chance during the school’s anniversary celebration.
As always, the KFEB hosts will provide ratings for the films that are based on the fun, enjoyment, and craziness of the film. These scores will be tabulated and an on-going grid will keep you up to date with the search.
So sit back and enjoy the laughs as KFEB looks extremely close at Loose Screws!
After listening check in with The Octagon, our on-going ranking of the movies covered in KFEB. Can anything overtake last year’s king, Ninja 3: The Domination?
Subscribe on iTunes and Youtube so you don’t miss an episode! Welcome back to second season of Kung Fu Electric Boogaloo as we stare intently at eight films that feature Nerds, Jocks, and Preppies!
The on-going list of the top b-movies as rated by the Cult Film Showdown team!
Join them each episode as they tirelessly search for the Ultimate B-Movie!