The animated hosts of the Cult Film Showdown explore the strangest time in human history - the late 20th century. A time when there could be only one, unless you needed a sequel! Or a TV series. Or an Animated Series. Ok, the[…]
Ho-Ho-Hold the phone! They made cartoons out of Rambo and Robocop!? The festive hosts of the Cult Film Showdown explore the strangest time in human history - the late 20th century. A time when there could be only one, unless […]
It's remarkable to do a deep dive into the hall of fame worthy career of the one and only Jim Peterik. One of the all time great song-writers in rock history, the Survivor founder has made an undeniable mark on pop culture wi[…]
The animated hosts of the Cult Film Showdown explore the strangest time in human history - the late 20th century. A time when even Troma Video could find a way onto kids TVs. Watch along at[…]
With a new album called Heaven Comes Down that incudes the singles Over The Mountain, Fugitive and Gypsy, touring, and a general love of music, there's a lot of topics for Dokken guitarist Jon Levin to cover with We Talk Musi[…]
The animated hosts of the Cult Film Showdown explore the strangest time in human history - the late 20th century. A time when cell phones were the size of bricks and Rambo had a cartoon. Y'know, for kids! Watch along at https[…]
George Lynch is unquestionably one of the most unique individuals in the business, both in the sounds he makes when playing the guitar like no one else, and in the non nonsense personality he has. George has been doing a lot […]
It's with a shine in our eyes and smile in our hearts that the We Talk Music podcast has the privilege of introducing many of you to The Sintrics, an exciting new group for whom the future is now with the release of their bra[…]
The animated hosts of the Cult Film Showdown explore the strangest time in human history - the late 20th century. A time when cell phones were the size of bricks and RoboCop had cartoons. Y'know, for kids! Watch along at http[…]
The technical prowess and unique, fresh music made by the band All Day Sucker gives you a certain image of what the band is, but that's only part of the story. Simply put, these are two funny, witty gentlemen, as evidenced by[…]
Get ready to be motivated, as the newest episode of the We Talk Music podcast is joined by Canadian Football League legend Michael "Pinball" Clemons, Michael brings so much infectious positivity into every thing he touches, a[…]