James Kata

900 Things Week 52: End of the Line 900 Things

900 Things Week 52: End of the Line

It's the last day of the project and I figured I should do a final wrap up, warts and all. Because I stumbled a couple of times during the project, it made it a bit of a tough road near the end. Having given into temptation o[…]
The Day Superman Came to Calgary WTComics Blogs

The Day Superman Came to Calgary

I caught the first few minutes of Superman 3 as I was flipping through the channels and remembered that most of the Metropolis scenes were filmed in my hometown of Calgary, Alberta. Armed with some screen grabs and a camera, […]
Is that Rage I see before me…? WTComics Blogs

Is that Rage I see before me…?

Quite a bit of hay has been made of the appearance of Rage in the Marvel Studios logo in the Shield teaser and that this is a hint that the character will be found in the new series. You can see it here: My hat is off to the […]
900 Things week 16: Four Fifty 900 Things

900 Things week 16: Four Fifty

Not my intention, but the organizing pile looks a lot like Jack Bauer and Leonidus vs the Statue of David. Having rededicated myself to the 900 Things project, I spent a whole day cleaning the Booster Cave last weekend ahead […]