Josh Arbuthnot

FTN-The Mighty West Fresh Take Network

FTN-The Mighty West

Josh welcomes Trevor Roberts on to with a way too early preview of the Western Conference You can also email via or You can find Josh on Twitter and  and Instagram Snapchat: jawa31 Join […]
FTN-East Coastin’ Fresh Take Network

FTN-East Coastin’

Josh welcomes Trevor Roberts on to with a way too early preview of the Eastern Conference You can also email via or You can find Josh on Twitter and  and Instagram Snapchat: jawa31 Join […]
FTN-Comic Con 2018 Fresh Take Network

FTN-Comic Con 2018

Devan & Josh talk Comic Con 2018 all the big news starting with James Gunn and what the future of GOTG and the hottest trailer from Shazam to Clone Wars ! and the latest on DC , Marvel and every thing else from the Comic […]
FTN-Running in the 6 Fresh Take Network

FTN-Running in the 6

Josh brings on Raptors fan Sally Haggis & then Spurs fan Devan Seal to talk about the huge Kawhi & Demar trade . What the think about the trade for their teams?  Demar leaving the raps and how much it meant to the cit[…]
FTN-Danger Zone Fresh Take Network

FTN-Danger Zone

Devan & Josh talk Top Gun , Its amazing soundtrack , Tom Crusies IMDB and then we went down the IMDB rabbit hole ,A review of the Quiet Place , Kobra Kai Review , Glow review , thoughts on the Drake , Batwoman coming to t[…]
FTN-LaBron Fresh Take Network


Devan & Josh Talk Boggie blow up the league and going to the Warriors , Lebron going to the Lakers, what this means for the NBA ? , what this means for Lebrons legacy , the other Laker moves ,and the rest of Free agency Y[…]
FTM-Stream Roller Fresh Take Network

FTM-Stream Roller

Devan & Josh talk about the Disney finally locking in the Fox properties and what their streaming service will look like , what they want out of it and what it means for HULU , DC's new streaming what what they want from […]